Fire Department

Drwing of fire truck on side of building with words "The Pride of Scottsville"


The Town of Scottsville and Albemarle County are served by volunteer and career personnel who cooperatively provide emergency services.


Located on the James River, Scottsville’s emergency services also include the river. The volunteer fire department has two boats and works water rescue calls to protects boaters and others on the river. The fire department roster also operates the town’s flood control system. A levee and pumps protects the town when the river rises. If you live in town and want to volunteer, contact the fire department and learn about how you can help!


Visit our website!


We are part of the Albemarle County Fire Rescue system

141 Irish Road
P.O. Box 381
Scottsville, VA 24590

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37.807644933374, -78.50490453277